How to Photograph your New Baby during Covid-19
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By Lace and Twigs
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Life has changed. SO much change. And so many new moms have just had a baby. 
Their dreams of a squishy newborn photography session have been dashed. 
It is out of necessity yet still heartbreaking. For all of us. As a photographer, I can honestly tell you that those squishy faces you bring to us are as important for us to photograph as you want them to be photographed. This time is hard to explain to the heart. No matter how much we understand in our minds.  IF only there was a way to make photography essential and all of us stay safe!

Safety should always be that first priority though so the photographers have closed temporarily and sterilized equipment, props, blankets, and studios. We have had to cancel or reschedule all of our sessions and are currently going through new baby cuddles withdrawal syndrome. While legally photographing anyone right now is not happening we have all been trying to come up with ways to both assist our clients and keep our creative mojos going. Even our vendors are doing their best to find ways to make as much happen as possible.

So what can we do about this? 

I have been thinking about it in between remote/home schooling, cleaning, and brainstorming what will happen after this. 
I came up with an idea for a "new mom project" and hope it will help you keep as many of the important parts that we photograph, for you. I wanted to help and this is the best I can do currently and under these extreme circumstances.
It won't be the same. But it will be a story you can tell your baby as they get older. 

Please remember though, many of the professional photographs you see are not how they began. Many of those squishy sweet photos that your photographer typically delivers are done with safety measures first and quite a bit of post processing after your session. Please never try to pose your baby unless you have been taught how to by a professional. It may seem very simple but there are many moving parts to those simple photographs you treasure.


Baby Toes

Baby toes are possibly some of the sweetest little things in the universe.
I love having mom or dad hold baby's feet in their hands because it truly gives the scope of how tiny your baby is right now. 

You can do baby toes in the bath, while they sleep, wrap their little feet gently in your favorite baby blanket.
Phones and point and shoot cameras will give you the power to still print your pictures for their baby books.

Baby Lips

Thin or full, peeling or soft, every new parent just wants to kiss their baby to pieces.

Eye Lashes

No matter how short or long they are your baby's eye lashes are something that every new mom proudly declares.
They always bring a smile to a new mom's face. Mine included.

Oh those little hands!

Their Hair Lines Though

These are just a few ideas and details that so many moms and dads, grandparents and alike, love!
You can always photograph your baby sleeping, cozied up in their cribs or bassinets in their nursery. 
On the end of your bed, tub time, etc. Use what you have available and treasure these tiny moments. 
You can always schedule your next milestone or even the next available session for when this has ended.

Don't miss out on those squishy poses. They can be done even at an older age. The poses may not be the same and they may not be all sleepy poses. But your photographer can advise you on what can happen. 

Little Details

You can also, always add in little details. A favorite gift, a special blanket, your wedding rings even.
I have seen a surplus of photographers defining the shut down with toilet paper, lysol cans, even jugs of hand sanitizer.
While I typically would raise my eyebrows and question the sanity of this, the insanity of our lives right now have been defined by the importance of these items.
And the lacking of them. What a story it will be and widely understood by those of us in search of those items to remember in those pictures. 
Can you imagine the questions your baby will ask?

"Why am I cuddling toilet paper mom?" your child will ask.
"Well my love long ago we went through a pandemic..." you begin.

Stay safe everyone. Together, while apart, we will do our best and get through this.

I hope this helps someone out there in some way.

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